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♻️ Spring Newsletter, 2021

Recycling the World's Plastics, One Filament at a Time.

Thank you ALL for your wonderful and honest reviews.  We’re proud to say we’ve not culled a single one!!!  What you see is what we got.
With our first 100th Review Give Away, we gave out 2 spools and 1 t shirt. Now, we’ve upped the ante!  For this set of reviews, we’ll give away 3 spools and a shirt to #250, 2 spools and a shirt for #249 and 1 spool and 1 shirt for #248.
Now, many of you are saying, well, that stinks… I did a review 3 months ago, so what about me?  I took care of Rich and Co, and now I get the short end of the nozzle?
Do you think we’d do that to you?  Heck No!
We’ll go back to #102 (thank you, Shopify) and once we hit review #250, we’ll take all 149 new reviews and randomly generate the 3 winners. 
But wait!  There’s more!
We’d love more pictures of models printed with our filament, so if you send a photo in with your review (or separately to we’ll add another entry of yours into the randomizer, giving you additional chances to win!  Since there’s no maximum amount of reviews, if you’ve purchased 3 spools, send in 3 reviews and 3 pictures, for a total of 6 chances to win, and so on.  Don’t be gaming the system now; Barbara’s gonna be all over this thing, so there ain’t NO WAY you’ll get past her.  I’ve tried… it doesn’t work 😆
And finally, how cool is this: our friends Jim and Pooch at EdgeOfTech have agreed to do the announcement on their show using their random wheel.  Nice, right?!?  We’ll send everyone the link and post it to social media, so you can tune in!

As of May 18, 2021, MRRF is good to go. We’ve had no news coming from Goshen that the festival is postponed, so we’ll be there! We’re all vaxed up with FINALLY places to go! Like we did at ERRF, we’ll have a table chock-full of goodies. We hope to see you all there, so come say ‘Hi’ and meet Barbara, Ben, and Rich!

Preston Tobery is the owner of Adaptive Tech & Consulting and is a long-time customer (if there can be such a thing 😁) of GreenGate3D’s. His devices have helped hundreds of animals with special needs; those who lack balance due to deformities or injuries, as well as nutritional deficiencies. We’re proud to see our filament in his hands; it truly gives us chills to see what GREAT things happen when you blend technology with heart. Preston’s Mega Feeder 3000 and walking devices should be seen not only by GreenGate3D’s customers, but anyone who’s moved by animals in need. Thank you, Preston, for your enthusiasm and your spirit!

This is a crazy big spool, capable of holding 33 lbs. Look for it on a forklift near you! 😝

We are making custom sizes for our industrial customers. Feel free to reach out if you need something similar.

You might’ve heard we’ve reached agreements with Printed Solid and in the recent past. Please find these excellent purveyors, if you’d like to buy GreenGate3D filament… especially if you’re looking for other items that we don’t have, like printer beds, nozzles, and other accessories. However, you CERTAINLY haven’t heard that we just brought on our 3rd distributor: MOFCO3D.

They’re in Texas and a new filament manufacturer. MOFCO3D makes their own PLA in-house and will be selling our PETG from their online and brick and mortar store. Please give them a warm GreenGate3D welcome! They'll accept local pick-ups, after checkout, but please no POS sales. We especially tip our hat to them, as Mike Cipriani is an American Veteran. Thank you, and your friends, for serving our GREAT country!

We are always looking for distribution, particularly within Europe, Australia, South America and Africa. If you’ve got connections, give us a ring… or an email… or a text… or Tweet… or DM… 🙃

Contact Us
Its important to stay true to your values. When GreenGate3D was founded, we decided to ONLY make filament from recycled plastics… its what we know and what brought us here. That covenant will not be broken, so in order for us to bring multiple colors of recycled PLA filament to market, we’d either need to secure significant quantities of scrap clear PLA sheet/resin OR use failed prints, supports, and other stock from customers. If there was such a source for the former, we’d be all over it.

As 2021 rolls on, its possible we could strike a deal with a supplier of PLA resin, but for now, we have a small in-house supply of mixed color PLA from filament scrap. There are some technicalities that we don’t want to go into, so please don’t ready up your failed prints just yet 😉 but we WOULD like to hear if you’d be interested in recycled PLA, in black or grey only.

The price-point would be consistent with American-made PLA, so if we get enough interest, we’ll seriously consider it. Now, you may be wondering “why only black or grey?” In short, in order to make filament, you need to start from clear and pigment it OR to use the same color and re-melt that. It’s nearly impossible to get a consistent color from scrap unless you’re using a clear base, so we’d take mixed color scrap, and then pigment it into black or charcoal grey… or perhaps even leave it as a random shade of grey… kind of like a Pot Luck Grey. Drop us a note at and let us know what YOU think!
If you haven't seen this video, please check it out.

Dustin Lobner printed this rocket in GreenGate3D filament. We hope you are as amazed as we are. 🚀

Rumor has it that the next one breaks the Speed of Sound!
Hope you enjoyed the Spring Newsletter. Looking forward to seeing many of you at MRRF and sending out the Summer Newsletter in July.

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