We saw Mohsin Khan's https://twitter.com/_PRINT_IT pen holder on Twitter and were intrigued. Thought it was really interesting, but wanted to use it for something else besides its intended purpose.
So, I printed it out, and brought it upstairs and showed it to The Boss (aka, my wife Barbara... She of the Speedy Shipping) and asked her what we could use it for.
She remarked: It looks like one of those Glade Air Fresheners. Hmm, I thought... well our pellets are hygroscopic, so they'll accept moisture... I wonder if they'll accept fragrance oils.
Ha, they do! I bought a small 0.5 fl oz bottle of lavender fragrance oil, dropped in 1.5 mil of oil (about 10% of the bottle) shook it into a small bag of our recycled PETG pellets, transferred them into the base of the pen holder, and VOILA, instant room freshener!
With Mohsin's permission, we posted his STL. Please feel free to download it and use it for his intended purpose, our idea, or use your own! When you've decided what to use it for, please contact us at customerservice@greengate3d.com OR Mohsin thru his Twitter account above. We'd all love to know what you think!
Hey, when you buy 2 spools of any GreenGate3D filament and download this free STL, email us (above) and we'll include 100g of our pellets, so you can do the same. THANK YOU MOHSIN!